Friday, 20 February 2009


Some of you will be saying “yay! I never stopped wearing them anyway”, whilst some of you will be screwing you’re expected to be tottering around in heels which are high enough to surely break your ankle. I say to you all, “wear what you want to wear”, but I will be opting for the killer heels. Not because Alexandra Shulman and her posse at Vogue tell me to, but because I’ve always loved heels. However, since giving birth to boss lady, my body has decided it wants to do its own thing – for instance, my once nicely sized 6 feet are now probably a 6.5 if not 7. For some strange reason, my feet no longer want to fit in any of my shoes. I am however praying to the good Lord that he will shrink them back down, as what am I suppose to do with the shoes I have in my wardrobe otherwise?

Anyhow, should I have to go out and buy new shoes, then I will be gracing my feet with a couple of ‘fierce’ killer heels. On my weekly trip to Bluewater yesterday, I browsed by the Aldo window and saw some fantastic buys, one of which were a pair of half high heel, half wedge base shoes which were supremely hot. I tried to take a picture on my blackberry, but the sales assistants nearly came for me, so I came home and went online to their website to find an image to show you guys, but they don’t seem to have posted them up yet – so you’ll just have to believe me for now. What I do know is they were £90 and were just too fabulous not to have. I must think about how I’m going to fund them for next week’s trip?

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