Friday 23 January 2009


Please excuse my ‘no show’ last week Friday. I had a funeral and a 1st birthday party (for Boss Lady) to attend to – so it just wasn’t going to happen… sorry.

Right, let’s get this out the way… OBAMA! OBAMA! OBAMA! OBAMA! OBAMA! OBAMA! He’s in! We have a black first lady… ok, we don’t the US do, but hey – you know what I mean. How fantastic did it feel (and still feels) to have watched him walk down the steps of the Capitol Building to pledge his oath. I kept raving on about it to my other half and he said I was behaving as if it was my brother becoming president. However, when Obama began to recite the 35 word oath, he turned and said to me ‘ok, I’m feeling what you’re feeling its making me feel weird inside, but in a good way’. You know this!

I doubt you’re sick of hearing ‘OBAMA RAMA’ however I do intend to stop ‘gushing’ shortly. Just need to say, we know anything is possible if we have determination, focus and drive. If you’re unhappy with love, ‘CHANGE’ it. If you’re unhappy with work ‘CHANGE’ it. If you’re unhappy with how you currently live your life ‘CHANGE’ it. You may not be able to completely change everything immediately, but make small steps to do so… Obama has shown us what seems impossible is most definitely possible… all we need to do is now take control. Whatever aspect of your life you would like to change, why not stop reading now (go on, I’ll allow you to switch screens or move away from your PC or Mac this time only), and do something which will help you to become one step closer to achieving your goals.
Good luck, hope you all reach your destination.

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